
The Myth: Ron Paul doesn't have enough support, he can't win the nomination.

The Truth: Ron Paul DOES have the support--and his followers are filled with more passion than anyone else's! He can win the nomination, EVEN if he didn't win a single state! You know why? Here's a little hint: it has to do with a little something called DELEGATES!

And then...Ron Paul is the only one that can really beat Obama.

Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, and Rick Santorum all have pasts with well known flaws. They're flip floppers and in the race for power. Obama would have plenty to attack them on, and destroy them. Ron Paul has a clean, consistent record, with no 'skeletons in the closet'.

Ron Paul can appeal to the left on numerous issues, such as  anti-war, anti-drug war, ending the Fed, civil liberties, ending corporate welfare and opting out of Socialism Security. He won't try to dominate Congress or the states. He's the only GOP candidate who is strong where Obama is strong. He polls best among young people, Democrats, blacks, independents and voters in the Northeast where Obama won every single state.

Is Ron Paul really in 4th place? Think again, listen to what Ben says!

Click for Articles:

GOP Cannot Win In November Without Ron Paul Supporters (2/27/12)
Ron Paul Secretly Taking Over the GOP! (2/15/12)
Ron Paul Winning the Battle for Delegates

Paul Campaign: We’re Winning The Battle For Delegates
RonPaul Could Win After All! 

It all comes down to delegates:

Where are the passionate crowds like this for the other candidates?